![]() Mission The mission of the Cesar E. Chavez Foundation, a (501(c)(3)) non-profit charitable organization, is to maximize human potential to improve communities by preserving, promoting and applying the legacy and universal values of civil rights leader Cesar E. Chavez. Vision Cesar's dream for a better and more just world has guided the Foundation's vision. Through our programming we strive to empower individuals so that they may fully realize their inherent and unlimited potential to make a difference in their own lives, in their communities, and in the world as a whole. History of the Cesar E. Chavez Foundation In 1993, Cesar's family and friends established the Cesar E. Chavez Foundation to educate people about the life and work of this great American civil rights leader, and to inspire individuals and communities to carry on his values and timeless vision for a better world. Since its inception, the Foundation has grown from a start-up organization to one that now has an annual budget of $2.5 million. In addition, the Foundation has increasingly been recognized as a national institution with an ecumenical vision and ambitious programmatic goals. Today, from the fields of the Southwest to urban centers across the nation, Cesar's struggle for justice, equality, and civil rights and the work of the Foundation he inspired are resonating with Americans from diverse walks of life. To Learn More Go to: http://www.cesarechavezfoundation.org/
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